DBD Policy - Budget Preparation

Code: DBD


Budget planning and preparation in this district will be an integral part of  program planning so that the annual operating budget may effectively express  and implement all programs and activities of the school system.

The Business Manager will have responsibility for budget preparation, including  the construction of, and adherence to, a budget calendar. The  Superintendent, building administrators and District coordinators shall seek and  utilize all available resources as a means of ensuring the school district mission is  incorporated into the budget document and submit budget requests for their  school/department after seeking input of their staff members. 

In order to effectively implement the programs and activities of the school  system and carry out the educational objectives of the District, careful  consideration shall be given to student performance standards established by  the school. The annual budget should demonstrate how school district facilities  and finances will be prioritized in order to facilitate the ability of students to meet  and/or surpass the student performance standards. 

The district shall plan the development of fiscal and human resources beyond  fixed costs based upon student learning results and improved performance on  student standards. To the extent possible, school district projects shall be  prioritized and funded in order to enhance student learning.

District budget priorities beyond fixed costs are as follows:

• student safety

• instruction

• special instruction

• support services - students

• technology

• support services - general administration

• central support

• Board of Trustees

• non-instructional

The Superintendent, along with staff members representing the major school  segments and departments, shall endeavor to match expenditures for programs  with available resources (Budget Deliberations) so that a balanced budget will  be presented to the Board of Trustees as the proposed budget.

Adopted:  11/19/80

Amended:  7/18/23

Sublette County School District #9, Big Piney, Wyoming