IICA-R Field Trips and Excursions
Field Trips and Excursions - IICA-R
Educational field trips will be planned in accordance with the following guidelines:
1. The teacher shall review the educational value of the field trip and receive the principal's approval prior to making arrangements for the field trip.
2. The teacher will provide parents with information concerning the purpose and destination of the trip, transportation and eating arrangements, date and time of departure, estimated time of return, and a detailed itinerary when a field trip will extend beyond the school day.
3. One or more adults, in addition to the teacher, will accompany each class on field trips unless other arrangements have been approved by the principal. Teachers are responsible for informing the accompanying adults of their duties and responsibilities.
4. The teacher should review acceptable standards of conduct with the students in advance of the trip. The teacher has primary responsibility for the conduct of the children.
5. The teacher planning the trip will be responsible for arranging an appropriate educational experience and supervision for students who do not participate in the field trip.
6. Student safety will be a primary consideration.
7. School buses will ordinarily be used for transportation. The use of private vehicles by staff members for transporting small groups of students may be authorized in certain instances, provided the driver has the required liability insurance. Transportation by students and parents will not be permitted.
8. Requests for school bus transportation will be channeled through the Principal.
9. Parental permit slips will be required for all children attending the field trip.
10. Children will not be permitted to leave the field trip group during the trip unless they are released to parents.
11. If children return to school after hours from a field trip, the teacher and principal will make provisions for their safe return home, taking into account the age of the students and the hours.
(Adoption Date: 11/19/80)
Administrative Procedure
Educational Field Trips and Excursions: Information sheet for volunteers and chaperones.
Purpose. The school may be held liable for the conduct of volunteers and chaperones during field trips. Therefore, the information on this sheet must be reviewed with volunteers or chaperones prior to any field trip. The sheet should be completed and then filed in the principal's office.
1. A field trip is an extension of the classroom and its purpose is to enhance the educational opportunity of the students. Therefore, the expectations of students and their behaviors are the same as would be expected in the classroom. Also, all student rules listed in student handbooks are also in effect during any field trip.
2. The safety and welfare of students will be of primary consideration at all times.
3. School buses will ordinarily be used for transportation. Chaperones or volunteers will not be permitted to transport students.
4. Parental permit slips will be required of all students attending the field trip. The permit slip should contain the purpose and destination of the trip, transportation and eating arrangements, date and time of departure and estimated time of return. A detailed itinerary will also be included when the field trip extends beyond the school day.
5. Children are not permitted to leave the field trip group during the trip unless they are released to their parents.
6. If children return to school after hours from a field trip, the teacher and principal will make provision for their safe return home, taking into account the age of the students and the time.
As a chaperone/volunteer for the field trip to___________ scheduled for _________ , I understand the policies and procedures as outlined above.
I will make every effort to assist the teacher(s) and follow these policies and procedures.