Bus Routes


1. Fontenelle Creek: Bus #65 This bus has eight stops four to LaBarge and 4 in town of Big Piney. This bus travels 156 miles a day. 

2. Highway 351: Bus #2 The bus travels to the Paradise County Road, then a mile north to the first stop. The bus travels back to Highway 351. The bus then travels to the East Green River County Road, where it travels two miles up the road to the only stop on that road. It travels back to 351 with three stops along the way. The bus then travels back to Highway 189 with two stops along the way. The bus then travels to Marbleton with four stops in Marbleton. This bus travels 82 miles per day. 

4. North Piney: Bus #46 The bus travels twelve miles up the North Piney road to the first stop. The bus travels back to Highway 189. There are seven stops before the bus gets to the Highway. The bus travels to Marbleton, where it has three more stops before it gets to the school. This bus travels 54 miles a day. 

5. Middle Piney/North Cottonwood: Bus #96  Travels 14 miles north to Cottonwood Rye Grass road back to Marbleton for 6 stops.  Then west of Big Piney for 4 stops.  This bus travels 58 miles a day.

Rules and Bus Information

Please see the image below for more information on the Zonar ZPass!

The SafeStop tool was discontinued due to very limited parent usage.

Zonar Letter
No Photo Available

John Copeland

Transportation Director
